Building Enablers

Making ready for change


Refine / design integrated governance


Build / invigorate / integrate support 

Information and Data

Provide / enable core facilities for information and data

There are typically some Core Enablers to make ready (which don’t in themselves provide benefit yet incur costs) before Tranches of change. It is therefore desirable to keep the up-front building of Enablers to a minimum, but some readiness preparations are inescapable. 

These include the core governance model and accountability nodes, business support (creating, or invigorating what exists), and Data/MI capability – which of course depends on the roadmap and vision agreed in Discovery. 

Readiness of local capabilities, tool use, data quality etc. can be left until adaption readiness activity as part of Culture Change. 

We can support any activity to deliver Core Enablers with a portfolio of tailorable skillsets and services. 

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