
Sequence capability to achieve with delivery

Business Integrated Governance is just not about installation of a toolset, or provision of support, or about change of process. It is about all these things. 

It requires alignment of organisation groups to a common framework. Different stakeholders have different starting points, priorities and speeds. Some organisations start with some BIG components for simply tactical benefit, others see the need to transform. 

For all it is vital to establish a common vision and a communicable roadmap – to show the ultimate goal (for now, anyway), the stepping stones, decision points and benefit expectations to enable focus and to coalesce. 

With a vision and roadmap, the Components of a BIG solution can be identified, and work carries out to prepare them and the organisational change required.

The illustration below is not a boiler plate to follow, it is just an example of a high level roadmap for introduction of BIG capabilities.  Your roadmap will depend on your aspirations, problems and necessities. 

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